Vincent Keeling's Art Blog
Prints and The Ghosts of Christmas Paintings Past
Posted by Vincent Keeling on

Ok, this is the official Christmas message! The first thing I wanted to mention today is the Limited Edition Prints, which at Christmas might just provide a solution for that that tricky present you have to buy. Instead of highlighting any particular ones I just did a little screenshot of my website print page, so you can just click into this if you fancy browsing through the many options there. After that I wanted to do something a little different with talk of the ghosts of Christmas paintings past. And what's that all about you might ask? Well I guess it's my way...
Two New Rose Paintings with more Art than Business
Posted by Vincent Keeling on

Hope everyone is well out there. Now if the ever-present TV and Radio Ads are anything to go by, we are surely barrelling toward Christmas. I'll try not to overdo the messages myself, so maybe just one more after this one. As for today I've two new rose paintings for you, or rather one genuinely new, and one new-ish. This will make sense in a bit. Oh, yeah I should also mention that if anyone is waiting for any discounts for the Christmas season, or indeed beyond, this isn't in the planning at all. If anything, I'm trying to resist pushing...
Two new Rose Paintings, my Last Cityscape and Nothing Scary!
Posted by Vincent Keeling on

Hope everyone is well out there. I know I really should have some scary themed stuff for you today, being Halloween and all, but alas I'm not that organised. And, in truth my marketing team consists of small often distracted sub-department of my addled arty-brain. In other words, far from optimised. Okay, things have thankfully been busy with me of late; a succession of portrait commissions, with another just started. And also several paintings sold including some roses, a cityscape and Elvis Presley no less, who has now migrated back to America, which is probably a more fitting home for...
A Pink Rose Painting with a Mysterious Background
Posted by Vincent Keeling on

"This is a new painting of a pink rose called "Into the Mystic". And yes, I am robbing that from a song title. I had a completely different name picked out yesterday, but it just sounded off this morning. Then I randomly stuck on some Van Morrison tunes while writing, and eureka! As for the painting itself you'll see that I've temporarily abandoned my white roses and gone very pink with this one. I have to confess it was something of a challenge at the beginning endeavouring to mix up convincing shades of purple, pink and red and everything in...
- Tags: Floral Art
A New Painting of Paul Newman & A New take on an Old Rose.
Posted by Vincent Keeling on

Hi all, I hope all is well with everyone out there. Ok, another couple of paintings to share today. The first is a little portrait of Paul Newman, who I've painted three or four times in the past. And he was actually one of the first portraits I tackled when I began painting famous faces all those years ago. Kind of fitting then, that as I start winding down my portrait work, he makes a final appearance; Coming full circle so to speak. As for Paul Newman himself, what I say, except that I'm a huge fan. I can't think...