Vincent Keeling's Art Blog

A Master Copy after Michelangelo

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A Master Copy after Michelangelo

The next painting is by an artist far from being under appreciated and little known, is almost universally hailed as one of the all time greats. Of course, we’re talking about one and only Michelangelo. An ongoing preoccupations of mine over recent years has been the study of anatomy, to try to gain an understanding of how the mechanics of the human body, all the underlying muscles, bones and tendons work their magic to bring us to life; All this with a view to being able to work more freely from imagination.Few if any artists embodied this epic knowledge of the...

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A New Large Painting of a White Rose, with an Unusual Background.

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A New Large Painting of a White Rose, with an Unusual Background.

I hope the world is treating you well out there. I'm just going to tell you about one painting today, and it's a pretty big one I've been talking about releasing for ages. The first thing to say is that it's another in my Creation Series of rose paintings, and I have to admit that this one was a long time in the making. And part of the reason for this delay was I was trying something new. You see in the past I have tended to keep the backgrounds on these large roses quite nondescript, very much in the background, so...

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My Painting of Christy Moore

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My Painting of Christy Moore

I couldn’t leave paint Christy Moore out when I began painting my Irish Portraits; He’s been such a presence in Irish life and music, for as long as I can remember. As a kid and teenager I always remember him popping up on The Late Late Show with a new albums and performances, and songs like The Voyage and Ride on, were just part of the Irish radio’s DNA. But in truth it was much later that I really started to appreciate Christy's music on a deeper level. Here are a few of my thoughts on the man and songs that...

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Oil Paintings of Roses: My Inspiration as an Artist

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Oil Paintings of Roses: My Inspiration as an Artist

If you’re reading this it means that you’ve happened upon my collection of rose paintings, and indeed all those rose prints that are taken from my original canvases. What I want to do here is to give you some idea of the inspiration behind this work, and to explain why I’ve been drawn to paint so many roses over the years. There are some of the usual reasons, as you might expect. Roses after all have always been steeped in a wonderfully rich history of symbolism around themes of mortality, romance and love, and who doesn’t like a little poetry...

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My Dublin Oil Paintings by Vincent Keeling

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My Dublin Oil Paintings by Vincent Keeling
Hi guys, this is a collection of my Dublin oil paintings and prints. It’s inspired by seven years of living and working right in the heart of Dublin city, where I ran a little art gallery called The Keeling Gallery. During these years I have to confess that I didn’t stray too far from the Clarendon St and the South William St areas. After all it was here that I lived, worked, painted, enjoyed coffee with friends and imbibed far too many pints, and large glasses of rum, than were good for me. I say this to prepare you and set expectations when...

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